Commerical Building Foundations, Mt Wellington
Sector: Reinforced Concrete Piles
Location: Sylvia Park, Mt Wellington
Client: Naylor Love
The construction of a significant new building in Mt Wellington, Auckland, required 516 x Reinforced Concrete Piles for the foundation design. Piles were predominantly 900mm diameter and varied up to 9 metres in length. To meet design intent, the piles were required to found 3 metres into competent basalt material with every pile location undergoing percussion drilling to verify level and thickness of the basalt layer prior to production piling.
Spiral Drillers entered into a joint venture with March Construction in order to meet the programme set out by the client. Piling works were completed with three active drilling spreads and two support crawler crane teams to ensure production was maintained throughout the contract. Ancillary works involved an onsite crew completing continuous repairs to tooling, and a vacuum truck to enable piles to be completed at their correct levels, minimising concrete break back requirements.